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Smart Guide to... Pets


Improve your pet's well-being with vet-sourced articles and advice on the best products for your pet. Stay up to date on all news, tips, and trends that affect you and your animal companion. All types of pets are covered, with unusually rich sections on fish and small mammals.


As its name indicates, this web magazine focuses exclusively on dogs. The articles cover the whole range of essential topics such as health and nutrition, behavior, training, puppies, and breeds. Readers can also join the Dogster community via the dedicated Facebook page.


PetMD collaborates with veterinarians to ensure that you get the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding your pet's health. Species covered include dogs, cats, horses, and reptiles and amphibians. Advice encompasses all aspects of pet health and extends to a symptom checker and guidelines for emergencies.

More guides
Learn about... How Dogs Love Us

Learn about... Feline Behavior

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SciCentral sponsors:

Reef Aquarium

AC Tropical Fish

Copyright© 1997-2022  Guy Orgambide